Education in Jeopardy: Over 17,000 Teaching Positions Vacant in Assam

Published on : September 14, 2023 Published by : admin
2 minutes read
Education in Jeopardy: Over 17,000 Teaching Positions Vacant in Assam

Assam, the northeastern state of India, is facing a severe educational crisis, as Education Minister Ranoj Pegu laid bare the disconcerting reality of more than 17,000 vacant teaching positions within the state. Of these, over 15,000 remain unoccupied in schools, with an additional 1,300 vacancies in colleges and universities, raising serious concerns about the state of education in this region. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the statistics, official statements, eligibility criteria for potential candidates, proposed solutions to address the staffing shortfall, and guidance for those aspiring to apply for these teaching roles.  

The Stark Numbers Unveiled

During a recent session in the state assembly, Education Minister Ranoj Pegu revealed the extent of the educational crisis. He emphasized that the gross enrolment ratio (GER) at the higher secondary level has been declining persistently when compared to the figures at the elementary level for the year 2021-22. This alarming trend has ignited concerns regarding the quality of education and the future prospects of Assam's student population.  

Voices and Eligibility

Congress MLA Rekibuddin Ahmed probed the vacancies during the assembly session. Minister Pegu disclosed that a staggering 15,752 teaching positions are lying vacant in diverse schools across Assam, while an additional 2,830 non-teaching positions remain unfilled, exacerbating the pressure on the already strained education system.   In response to queries from AIUDF's Rafiqul Islam, Minister Pegu provided a detailed breakdown of the shortages specifically in provincialized high schools and higher secondary schools. These shortages encompass 1,686 head teacher positions, 320 principal positions, and 499 vice-principal positions. The dearth of administrative staff compounds the challenges faced by educational institutions across the state.   The education crisis doesn't spare higher education institutions either. Addressing questions from CPI(M) legislator Manoranjan Talukdar, Minister Pegu revealed that 860 assistant professor positions are currently vacant in various colleges, while 465 teaching positions remain unfilled across 12 universities in Assam. This shortage not only jeopardizes the quality of higher education but also impacts the state's ability to produce qualified graduates.  

Crafting Solutions to Fill the Void

To tackle this pressing issue, immediate and effective measures must be undertaken by the government and relevant authorities to recruit and fill these vacant positions. The failure to do so could have long-lasting repercussions for Assam's educational standards and its economic future.  

How to Apply for Teaching Positions in Assam

For individuals aspiring to contribute to Assam's education sector by applying for teaching positions, a series of steps need to be followed:  
  1. Stay Informed: Keep a close watch on official notifications and advertisements released by the Assam state government pertaining to teaching job openings.
  1. Eligibility Check: Thoroughly review the eligibility criteria outlined in job advertisements, including educational qualifications, age limits, and experience requirements.
  1. Application Process: Adhere to the instructions in the job advertisement to submit your application. This often involves completing an online or offline application form and attaching the requisite documents.
  1. Prepare for Evaluations: If shortlisted, be prepared for interviews, written tests, or any other evaluation methods specified in the job advertisement.
  1. Keep Updated: Stay informed about the status of your application through official channels. Monitor emails, SMS notifications, or official websites for updates.
  1. Network: Build connections with educators and professionals in Assam to stay informed about potential job openings and gain insights into the recruitment process.
  As Assam grapples with this severe shortage of educators at all levels of education, swift and effective government action is imperative. Addressing these vacancies expeditiously is not only crucial for the quality of education but also for securing a brighter future for Assam's students and the overall development of the state.    

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Teaching Vacancies in Assam


Q1: How many teaching positions are currently vacant in Assam?

  A1: Assam is facing a significant shortage of educators, with over 17,000 teaching positions vacant. More than 15,000 of these vacancies are in schools, while an additional 1,300 are in colleges and universities.  

Q2: What is the gross enrolment ratio (GER) mentioned in the article?

  A2: The GER refers to the percentage of eligible students who are enrolled in a particular level of education. In Assam, it has been revealed that the GER at the higher secondary level has been declining compared to figures at the elementary level for the year 2021-22.  

Q3: Who raised the concerns about teaching vacancies in Assam's assembly?

  A3: The concerns about teaching vacancies were raised by various members of the Assam assembly during a recent session. Congress MLA Rekibuddin Ahmed, AIUDF's Rafiqul Islam, and CPI(M) legislator Manoranjan Talukdar are some of the legislators who questioned the Education Minister, Ranoj Pegu, about the vacancies.  

Q4: What types of teaching positions are vacant in Assam's schools and colleges?

  A4: The vacant teaching positions in Assam's educational institutions include various roles such as teachers, head teachers, principals, vice-principals, and assistant professors in colleges and universities.  

Q5: What are the proposed solutions to address these teaching vacancies?

  A5: The article highlights the urgent need for the government and relevant authorities to implement effective measures to recruit and fill these vacant teaching positions. However, specific solutions and strategies are not detailed in the provided information.  

Q6: How can individuals apply for teaching positions in Assam?

  A6: To apply for teaching positions in Assam, aspiring candidates should:  
  • Stay informed about official notifications and advertisements released by the Assam state government regarding teaching job openings.
  • Review the eligibility criteria outlined in job advertisements, including educational qualifications, age limits, and experience requirements.
  • Follow the instructions in the job advertisement to submit their application, which often involves completing an online or offline application form and attaching the required documents.
  • Be prepared for interviews, written tests, or other evaluation methods specified in the job advertisement if shortlisted.
  • Stay updated about the status of their application through official channels, such as emails, SMS notifications, or official websites.
  • Network with educators and professionals in Assam to stay informed about potential job openings and gain insights into the recruitment process.

Q7: Why is addressing these teaching vacancies crucial for Assam's education system?

A7: Filling the vacant teaching positions is crucial for ensuring the quality of education in Assam and securing a brighter future for the state's students. The shortage of educators affects the delivery of education at all levels and could have long-term consequences for the state's educational and economic prospects.