UGC Clears Guidelines for Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Sciences, AI, ML, Data Science

Published on : December 10, 2023 Published by : admin
2 minutes read
UGC Clears Guidelines for Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Sciences, AI, ML, Data Science

The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently approved guidelines for short-term skill development courses in higher educational institutes (HEIs). These courses, ranging from artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to data science and even Yogic Sciences, are designed to equip students with industry-relevant skills. This is a transformative initiative that has the potential to significantly impact the way students learn and prepare for their careers. Here is a comprehensive guide on how students, parents, and educational institutions can navigate this new landscape.

Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Science, AI, ML & Data Science For Students

If you are a student, this is an exciting opportunity to gain the skills you need to succeed in today's job market. Short-term skill development courses can help you to:
  • Develop a competitive edge in your chosen field
  • Gain real-world experience that you can apply to your job search
  • Connect with industry professionals and build your network
When choosing a short-term skill development course, it is important to consider your career goals and the skills in demand in your industry. You should also make sure that the course is accredited and that it will provide you with the skills you need to succeed.

Know The Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Science, AI, ML & Data Science For Parents to Guide Children

As a parent, you want to ensure that your child has the best possible chance of success in their career. Short-term skill development courses can be a great way to help your child to achieve their goals. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering a short-term skill development course for your child:
  • Make sure the course is relevant to your child's career goals.
  • Research the course provider to make sure they are reputable and accredited.
  • Talk to your child about their interests and what they want to achieve with the course.

Explore Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Science, AI, ML & Data Science For Educational Institutions

Short-term skill development courses can be a valuable addition to your curriculum. They can help you to:
  • Attract and retain students
  • Meet the needs of employers
  • Stay ahead of the curve in terms of educational innovation
When developing short-term skill development courses, it is important to consider the needs of your students and the demands of the job market. You should also ensure that the courses are accredited and provide students with the skills they need to succeed. This transformative initiative has the potential to significantly impact the way students learn and prepare for their careers. By working together, students, parents, and educational institutions can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed.  

Additional Benefits: Students can Leverage by Having Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Science, AI, ML & Data Science

Students can find out some of the top and most significant points to leverage the same opportunity.

How to Stay Informed

Keep an eye on your university's official website for announcements regarding these short-term courses. Additionally, the UGC plans to release draft guidelines for public comment, offering students a chance to provide feedback.  

Leveraging the Courses

Students can gain practical skills in cutting-edge technologies, enhancing their employability. The courses also offer the opportunity for internships and real-world applications, providing a holistic learning experience.  

Why AI, ML, and Data Science

The emphasis on AI, ML, and data science stems from their increasing demand in various industries. These fields offer lucrative career prospects, with the potential to shape the future of technology and innovation.  

Advantages and Disadvantages

While these courses open doors to exciting career paths, it's essential to recognize the commitment and dedication they require. The advantages include enhanced career prospects, while potential challenges may include the intensive nature of some courses.  

Target Audience

Students from diverse backgrounds can benefit, particularly those with a keen interest in technology, innovation, and the desire to stay ahead in an evolving job market.  

When to Leverage

Students can seize this opportunity immediately after completing Class 12 exams or even during their college years to augment their skills and broaden their career options.  

For Educational Institutions

Collaborating with Industries

HEIs can foster collaborations with relevant skill councils and industry players, ensuring students can access placement opportunities, funding schemes, and the latest course content aligned with industry needs.  

Information Channels

Institutes should communicate course details, admission criteria, and fee structures transparently on official websites. Collaborate with industry experts to design courses that meet industry standards.   Financial Support: Explore funding opportunities, scholarships, or industry sponsorships to make these courses accessible to a broader range of students.  

Short-Term Skill Courses on Yogic Science, AI, ML & Data Science For Working Professionals


Flexible Learning for Professionals

These short-term courses are ideal for working professionals looking to upskill or pivot to a new field. Part-time options can facilitate learning alongside professional commitments.  

Collaboration with Companies

Companies looking to upskill their workforce can explore collaborations with educational institutions offering these courses.  

Learn What Will Be About Pay and Tuition Fees 

Pay for Students

The potential earnings post-completion can vary based on the specific course and industry demand. However, AI, ML, and data science professionals typically command competitive salaries.  

Tuition Fees

Educational institutions are free to decide the fee structure, which should be transparently communicated to students. Institutes can explore ways to make these courses financially feasible, such as installment plans or fee waivers for deserving candidates.  

UGC's Vision

Supporting Institutes: UGC recommends the establishment of skill development centers using its funds, providing the necessary infrastructure and data support to ensure the success of these courses.  

Public Feedback

UGC intends to draft guidelines for public comment, fostering a collaborative approach and ensuring that the courses meet the needs of both students and industries.  


The University Grants Commission (UGC)'s new initiative to bridge the gap between academia and industry is a welcome move. It heralds a new era in education, one in which students will be better prepared for the workforce. For students, this initiative means more opportunities to gain practical experience in their chosen field. They will be able to work on real-world projects with industry experts, and they will get the chance to network with potential employers. This will give them a leg up on the competition when they graduate and start looking for jobs. For parents, this initiative is a sign that the education system is evolving to meet the needs of the 21st-century workforce. They can be confident that their children are getting the best possible preparation for the jobs of tomorrow. For institutions, this initiative is a chance to show that they are committed to providing students with a quality education. By partnering with industry, they can ensure that their curriculum is up-to-date and relevant. They can also attract top students and faculty, who will be drawn to the opportunity to work with industry leaders. The UGC's initiative is a win-win for everyone involved. Students, parents, and institutions will all benefit from this new era of education. By bridging the gap between academia and industry, the UGC is helping to ensure that our students are well-prepared for the jobs of tomorrow.